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Roots into the Bible, Wings toward the World, Bridge among the Nations.
Welcome to Bridge International Christian Academy!
Bridge International Christian Academy (BICA) provides Christian, multi-cultural, and multilingual education. Our goals are 1) the promotion of Christian values and worldview, 2) parents involvements in children’s education, 3) enrichment of the children’s native language and English as well. The Academy’s mission is to encourage the students and the families to bridge between their own ethnic community and other ethnic groups in the U.S. BICA is a non-profit organization with a 501(c) 3 status. All gifts given to BICA will be given a tax receipt.
Our volunteer teachers and students tutor English for North Korean defector teens and young adults via online.
한국에 거주하는 탈북 청소년 및 대학생들에게 영어 튜터 봉사를 하고 있습니다. 자원봉사자를 모집합니다.

Yeonjai Rah, Ph.D., Director
Director's welcome
Bridge International Christian Academy started in 2011 as I hoped to build a biblical world view learning community. Matthew 4:4 "Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. was a seed for this organization. Our children shall not live on secular education alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. As the director and a teacher, I pray that God may give us godly wisdom and strength to learn knowledge that we can use for His Kingdom of God and His glory. I also pray the promise in Isaiah 61:4 come true through our students, the next generation. "They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations" May the Lord make them sincere servants who rebuild broken communities and renew the next generations. We are a non-profit, 501c 3 organization and all donations are tax-deductible.
안녕하세요. BICA의 디렉터 라연재입니다. 2012년 기독교 교육 공동체를 꿈꾸며 시작한 BICA 토요학교를 통해서 저와 교사들은 많은 학생들과 만나고 교류하며성장할수 있었습니다. 우리 학교는 아이들이 주중의 공립학교에서 받을수 없는 기독교 세계관과 커리큘럼, 공동체에서 이웃과 사는 법을 배울수 있는 공간을 만들어 가고자 노력해 왔습니다. BICA의 비젼처럼, 저와 교사들은 아이들에게,
1. 성경에 삶의 뿌리를 내리고,
2. 세상을 향해 힘있게 날아가는 날개를 갖고,
3. 나라와 민족들간의 다리역할을 할수 있도록 돕길 원합니다.
우리 BICA는 2012년 미정부로 부터 비영리재단 501(C)3 의 지위를 얻었고, 모든 도네이션은 tax receipt을 받을수 있습니다. 또한 청소년(Youth)의 자원봉사시간도 인정됩니다. 또한 미국 공립학교에서 무료급식을 받거나 선교사 및 규모가 작은 교회 풀타임 목회자의 자녀들은 장학금이 주어질수 있습니다.

Board Members 2012

Board Members 2022
How to give
1.PayPal Donation (Paypal charges 2.9% fee.)
2. Zelle
Contact: bridge.international.academy@gmail.com
Receiver: BICA
*Please email us before you send donation to receive the receipt.